WHOI Cruise Database

Note: Data from the WHOI coastal vessel R/V Tioga is currently not catalogued, but is available at this location: http://dlacruisedata.whoi.edu/tioga/
Note: Information about older WHOI cruises is available from the WHOI Ship Operations list of Legacy Cruises, and from Freebase.com.

1125 Records
Title Ship Voyage Leg Start Date End Date Start Port End Port Participants
OC399-03 Oceanus (1975 to 2011) 399 03 2004-02-15 2004-03-15 St. George's, bm St. George's, bm Lomas, Michael (Scientist, Chief)
KN176-02 Knorr (1970 to 2014) 176 02 2004-02-13 2004-03-05 Balboa, pa Balboa, pa Keigwin, Lloyd (Scientist, Chief)
KN176-01 Knorr (1970 to 2014) 176 01 2004-02-03 2004-02-12 Woods Hole, ma, us Balboa, pa Lemmond, Peter (Scientist, Chief)
AT11-07 Atlantis (1997 to present) 11 07 2004-01-28 2004-02-24 San Diego, ca, us Puntarenas, cr Schouten, Hans (Scientist, Chief)
AT11-06 Atlantis (1997 to present) 11 06 2004-01-26 2004-01-26 San Diego, ca, us San Diego, ca, us Walden, Barrie (Scientist, Chief)
KN175-01 Knorr (1970 to 2014) 175 01 2004-01-23 2004-01-26 Woods Hole, ma, us Woods Hole, ma, us Suchy, Albert (Scientist, Chief)
OC398-01 Oceanus (1975 to 2011) 398 01 2003-12-18 2003-12-22 Woods Hole, ma, us Woods Hole, ma, us Kemp, John (Scientist, Chief)
OC397-01 Oceanus (1975 to 2011) 397 01 2003-12-08 2003-12-15 Woods Hole, ma, us Woods Hole, ma, us Mignerey, Peter (Scientist, Chief)
OC396-01 Oceanus (1975 to 2011) 396 01 2003-12-03 2003-12-08 Woods Hole, ma, us Woods Hole, ma, us Mignerey, Peter (Scientist, Chief)
AT11-04 Atlantis (1997 to present) 11 04 2003-11-29 2003-12-21 Manzanillo, mx Manzanillo, mx Cary, Craig (Scientist, Chief)
KN174-01 Knorr (1970 to 2014) 174 01 2003-11-22 2003-11-26 Woods Hole, ma, us Woods Hole, ma, us Frye, Daniel (Scientist, Chief)
AT11-03 Atlantis (1997 to present) 11 03 2003-10-31 2003-11-24 Panama, pa Manzanillo, mx Voight, Janet (Scientist, Co-Chief), Von Damm, Karen (Scientist, Co-Chief)
KN173-02 Knorr (1970 to 2014) 173 02 2003-10-23 2003-11-13 Port of Spain, tt Woods Hole, ma, us Joyce, Terrence (Scientist, Co-Chief), Smethie, William (Scientist, Co-Chief)
AT11-01 Atlantis (1997 to present) 11 01 2003-10-05 2003-10-20 Woods Hole, ma, us Galveston, tx, us Carney, Robert (Scientist, Chief)
KN173-01 Knorr (1970 to 2014) 173 01 2003-09-22 2003-10-20 Woods Hole, ma, us Port of Spain, tt Toole, John (Scientist, Co-Chief), MacDonald, Allison (Scientist, Co-Chief)
KN172-17 Knorr (1970 to 2014) 172 17 2003-08-22 2003-09-09 Valletta, mt Woods Hole, ma, us Davis, Cabell (Scientist, Chief)
KN172-16 Knorr (1970 to 2014) 172 16 2003-08-09 2003-08-18 Istanbul, tr Valletta, mt Ballard, Robert (Scientist, Chief)
KN172-15 Knorr (1970 to 2014) 172 15 2003-07-27 2003-08-07 Istanbul, tr Istanbul, tr Ballard, Robert (Scientist, Chief)
OC395-03 Oceanus (1975 to 2011) 395 03 2003-07-27 2003-08-09 St. John, ca Reykjavik, is Pickart, Robert (Scientist, Chief)
KN172-14 Knorr (1970 to 2014) 172 14 2003-07-24 2003-07-27 Valletta, mt Istanbul, tr Suchy, Albert (Scientist, Chief)
AT9-01 Atlantis (1997 to present) 9 01 2003-07-22 2003-08-03 Woods Hole, ma, us Woods Hole, ma, us Ruppel, Carolyn (Scientist, Chief)
KN172-13 Knorr (1970 to 2014) 172 13 2003-07-21 2003-07-23 Valletta, mt Valletta, mt Wegman, Ernest (Scientist, Chief)
AT8-01 Atlantis (1997 to present) 8 01 2003-07-11 2003-07-19 Woods Hole, ma, us Woods Hole, ma, us Babb, Ivar (Scientist, Co-Chief), Watling, Les (Scientist, Co-Chief)
OC395-02 Oceanus (1975 to 2011) 395 02 2003-07-09 2003-07-23 St. John, ca St. John, ca Bower, Amy (Scientist, Chief)
OC394-01 Oceanus (1975 to 2011) 394 01 2003-06-27 2003-06-30 Woods Hole, ma, us Woods Hole, ma, us Horgan, Erich (Scientist, Chief)
AT7-36 Atlantis (1997 to present) 7 36 2003-06-21 2003-07-08 St. George's, bm Woods Hole, ma, us Reves-Sohn, Robert (Scientist, Chief)
OC393-01 Oceanus (1975 to 2011) 393 01 2003-06-19 2003-06-23 Woods Hole, ma, us Woods Hole, ma, us Chen, Robert (Scientist, Chief)
KN172-12 Knorr (1970 to 2014) 172 12 2003-06-18 2003-06-20 Ancona, it Valletta, mt
OC392-01 Oceanus (1975 to 2011) 392 01 2003-06-10 2003-06-16 Woods Hole, ma, us Woods Hole, ma, us Halanych, Ken (Scientist, Chief)
OC391-01 Oceanus (1975 to 2011) 391 01 2003-05-28 2003-06-07 Woods Hole, ma, us Woods Hole, ma, us McGillicuddy, Dennis (Scientist, Chief)
AT7-35 Atlantis (1997 to present) 7 35 2003-05-26 2003-06-17 St. George's, bm St. George's, bm Adkins, Jess (Scientist, Chief)
KN172-11 Knorr (1970 to 2014) 172 11 2003-05-26 2003-06-15 Ancona, it Ancona, it Lee, Craig (Scientist, Chief)
OC390-01 Oceanus (1975 to 2011) 390 01 2003-05-17 2003-05-24 Woods Hole, ma, us Woods Hole, ma, us Preston, John (Scientist, Chief)
KN172-10 Knorr (1970 to 2014) 172 10 2003-05-17 2003-05-21 Istanbul, tr Ancona, it
KN172-09 Knorr (1970 to 2014) 172 09 2003-05-10 2003-05-15 Istanbul, tr Istanbul, tr Luther, George (Scientist, Chief)
OC389-01 Oceanus (1975 to 2011) 389 01 2003-04-28 2003-05-16 Woods Hole, ma, us Woods Hole, ma, us Makris, Nicholas (Scientist, Chief)
KN172-08 Knorr (1970 to 2014) 172 08 2003-04-25 2003-05-10 Istanbul, tr Istanbul, tr Luther, George (Scientist, Chief)
OC388-01 Oceanus (1975 to 2011) 388 01 2003-04-24 2003-04-26 Woods Hole, ma, us Woods Hole, ma, us Ostrom, Will (Scientist, Chief)
AT7-34 Atlantis (1997 to present) 7 34 2003-04-21 2003-05-22 Bridgetown, bb St. George's, bm Kelley, Deborah (Scientist, Chief)
AT7-33 Atlantis (1997 to present) 7 33 2003-04-17 2003-04-18 Bridgetown, bb Bridgetown, bb Walden, Barrie (Scientist, Chief)
KN172-07 Knorr (1970 to 2014) 172 07 2003-04-15 2003-04-25 Istanbul, tr Istanbul, tr Luther, George (Scientist, Chief)
KN172-06 Knorr (1970 to 2014) 172 06 2003-04-09 2003-04-12 Istanbul, tr Istanbul, tr Gregg, Michael (Scientist, Chief)
OC387-02 Oceanus (1975 to 2011) 387 02 2003-03-27 2003-03-28 Woods Hole, ma, us Woods Hole, ma, us Singh, Hanumant (Scientist, Chief)
AT7-32 Atlantis (1997 to present) 7 32 2003-03-25 2003-04-14 Freeport, bs Bridgetown, bb McCartney, Michael (Scientist, Chief)
OC387-01 Oceanus (1975 to 2011) 387 01 2003-03-22 2003-03-27 Woods Hole, ma, us Woods Hole, ma, us Singh, Hanumant (Scientist, Chief)
OC386-01 Oceanus (1975 to 2011) 386 01 2003-03-19 2003-03-20 Woods Hole, ma, us Woods Hole, ma, us
AT7-30 Atlantis (1997 to present) 7 30 2003-03-06 2003-03-12 Jacksonville, fl, us Nassau, bs German, Christopher (Scientist, Chief)
KN172-05 Knorr (1970 to 2014) 172 05 2003-03-04 2003-04-07 Istanbul, tr Istanbul, tr Gregg, Michael (Scientist, Chief)
KN172-04 Knorr (1970 to 2014) 172 04 2003-02-27 2003-03-04 Ancona, it Istanbul, tr Laird, Robbie (Scientist, Chief)
OC385-05 Oceanus (1975 to 2011) 385 05 2003-02-12 2003-02-23 Bridgetown, bb Woods Hole, ma, us Plueddemann, Albert (Scientist, Chief)