WHOI Cruise Database

Note: Data from the WHOI coastal vessel R/V Tioga is currently not catalogued, but is available at this location: http://dlacruisedata.whoi.edu/tioga/
Note: Information about older WHOI cruises is available from the WHOI Ship Operations list of Legacy Cruises, and from Freebase.com.

1125 Records
Title Ship Voyage Leg Start Date End Date Start Port End Port Participants
AT11-26 Atlantis (1997 to present) 11 26 2005-04-23 2005-05-15 Manzanillo, mx Puntarenas, cr Vetriani, Costantino (Scientist, Chief)
AT11-25 Atlantis (1997 to present) 11 25 2005-04-09 2005-04-18 Easter Island, cl Manzanillo, mx
OC410-01 Oceanus (1975 to 2011) 410 01 2005-04-08 2005-04-21 Woods Hole, ma, us Woods Hole, ma, us Schofield, Oscar (Scientist, Chief)
OC409-01 Oceanus (1975 to 2011) 409 01 2005-04-01 2005-04-04 Woods Hole, ma, us Woods Hole, ma, us Pilskaln, Cindy (Scientist, Chief)
AT11-24 Atlantis (1997 to present) 11 24 2005-03-12 2005-04-06 Papeete, pf Easter Island, cl Vrijenhoek, Robert (Scientist, Co-Chief), Van Dover, Cindy (Scientist, Co-Chief)
OC408-02 Oceanus (1975 to 2011) 408 02 2005-02-15 2005-03-15 St. George's, bm St. George's, bm Lomas, Michael (Scientist, Chief)
OC408-01 Oceanus (1975 to 2011) 408 01 2005-02-10 2005-02-12 Woods Hole, ma, us St. George's, bm
AT11-23 Atlantis (1997 to present) 11 23 2005-01-30 2005-03-08 Easter Island, cl Papeete, pf Karson, Jeffrey (Scientist, Chief)
OC407-01 Oceanus (1975 to 2011) 407 01 2005-01-15 2005-02-04 Woods Hole, ma, us Woods Hole, ma, us Gawarkiewicz, Glen (Scientist, Chief)
AT11-22 Atlantis (1997 to present) 11 22 2005-01-14 2005-01-27 San Diego, ca, us Easter Island, cl
AT11-21 Atlantis (1997 to present) 11 21 2004-11-30 2004-12-20 Manzanillo, mx San Diego, ca, us Cary, Craig (Scientist, Chief)
KN180-02 Knorr (1970 to 2014) 180 02 2004-11-14 2004-12-17 St. George's, bm Woods Hole, ma, us Tivey, Maurice (Scientist, Chief)
AT11-20 Atlantis (1997 to present) 11 20 2004-11-05 2004-11-26 San Diego, ca, us Manzanillo, mx Lilley, Marvin (Scientist, Chief)
AT11-19 Atlantis (1997 to present) 11 19 2004-11-01 2004-11-02 San Diego, ca, us San Diego, ca, us Walden, Barrie (Scientist, Chief)
OC406-06 Oceanus (1975 to 2011) 406 06 2004-10-27 2004-11-19 Piraeus, gr Piraeus, gr Gregg, Michael (Scientist, Chief)
KN180-01 Knorr (1970 to 2014) 180 01 2004-10-25 2004-11-09 Woods Hole, ma, us St. George's, bm Reves-Sohn, Robert (Scientist, Chief)
OC406-05 Oceanus (1975 to 2011) 406 05 2004-10-18 2004-10-22 La Nouvelle, fr Piraeus, gr
OC406-04 Oceanus (1975 to 2011) 406 04 2004-10-08 2004-10-15 La Nouvelle, fr La Nouvelle, fr Nittrouer, Chuck (Scientist, Chief)
KN179-06 Knorr (1970 to 2014) 179 06 2004-10-07 2004-10-14 Nuuk (Godthab), gl Woods Hole, ma, us
OC406-03 Oceanus (1975 to 2011) 406 03 2004-10-01 2004-10-08 La Nouvelle, fr La Nouvelle, fr Nittrouer, Chuck (Scientist, Chief)
AT11-18 Atlantis (1997 to present) 11 18 2004-09-30 2004-10-05 Seattle, wa, us San Diego, ca, us
OC406-02 Oceanus (1975 to 2011) 406 02 2004-09-25 2004-10-01 La Nouvelle, fr La Nouvelle, fr Nittrouer, Chuck (Scientist, Chief)
KN179-05 Knorr (1970 to 2014) 179 05 2004-09-22 2004-10-04 Nuuk (Godthab), gl Nuuk (Godthab), gl Lee, Craig (Scientist, Chief)
KN179-04 Knorr (1970 to 2014) 179 04 2004-09-14 2004-09-19 Reykjavik, is Nuuk (Godthab), gl Simoneau, Amy (Scientist, Chief)
AT11-17 Atlantis (1997 to present) 11 17 2004-09-08 2004-09-28 Seattle, wa, us Seattle, wa, us Hickey, Barbara (Scientist, Chief)
KN179-03 Knorr (1970 to 2014) 179 03 2004-08-29 2004-09-11 Bergen, no Reykjavik, is Paull, Charles (Scientist, Chief)
AT11-16 Atlantis (1997 to present) 11 16 2004-08-28 2004-09-04 Astoria, or, us Seattle, wa, us Voight, Janet (Scientist, Chief)
KN179-02 Knorr (1970 to 2014) 179 02 2004-08-18 2004-08-26 St. John, ca Bergen, no
AT11-15 Atlantis (1997 to present) 11 15 2004-07-30 2004-08-23 Seattle, wa, us Astoria, or, us Shirley, Tom (Scientist, Chief)
OC404-04 Oceanus (1975 to 2011) 404 04 2004-07-25 2004-08-12 St. George's, bm St. George's, bm McGillicuddy, Dennis (Scientist, Chief)
KN179-01 Knorr (1970 to 2014) 179 01 2004-07-16 2004-08-15 Woods Hole, ma, us St. John, ca Norris, Richard (Scientist, Chief)
KN178-01 Knorr (1970 to 2014) 178 01 2004-06-17 2004-07-12 Woods Hole, ma, us Woods Hole, ma, us Keigwin, Lloyd (Scientist, Chief)
AT11-14 Atlantis (1997 to present) 11 14 2004-06-14 2004-07-13 Seattle, wa, us Seattle, wa, us McDuff, Russell (Scientist, Chief)
OC404-01 Oceanus (1975 to 2011) 404 01 2004-06-11 2004-07-03 Woods Hole, ma, us St. George's, bm McGillicuddy, Dennis (Scientist, Chief)
OC403-01 Oceanus (1975 to 2011) 403 01 2004-06-02 2004-06-06 Woods Hole, ma, us Woods Hole, ma, us Chen, Robert (Scientist, Chief)
AT11-13 Atlantis (1997 to present) 11 13 2004-05-23 2004-06-07 Seattle, wa, us Seattle, wa, us Kelley, Deborah (Scientist, Chief)
KN177-03 Knorr (1970 to 2014) 177 03 2004-05-20 2004-06-03 Bergen, no Woods Hole, ma, us Simoneau, Amy (Scientist, Chief)
OC402-01 Oceanus (1975 to 2011) 402 01 2004-05-18 2004-05-28 Woods Hole, ma, us Woods Hole, ma, us McGillicuddy, Dennis (Scientist, Chief)
AT11-12 Atlantis (1997 to present) 11 12 2004-05-12 2004-05-18 Seattle, wa, us Seattle, wa, us Frye, Daniel (Scientist, Chief)
KN177-02 Knorr (1970 to 2014) 177 02 2004-05-08 2004-05-18 Bergen, no Bergen, no Rosenthal, Yair (Scientist, Chief)
AT11-11 Atlantis (1997 to present) 11 11 2004-05-03 2004-05-08 San Diego, ca, us Seattle, wa, us Delich, Nicholas (Scientist, Chief)
OC401-01 Oceanus (1975 to 2011) 401 01 2004-04-28 2004-05-06 Woods Hole, ma, us Woods Hole, ma, us Toole, John (Scientist, Chief)
KN177-01 Knorr (1970 to 2014) 177 01 2004-04-24 2004-05-07 Woods Hole, ma, us Bergen, no
OC400-01 Oceanus (1975 to 2011) 400 01 2004-04-17 2004-04-24 Woods Hole, ma, us Woods Hole, ma, us Reddy, Christopher (Scientist, Chief)
AT11-10 Atlantis (1997 to present) 11 10 2004-04-06 2004-04-30 Manzanillo, mx San Diego, ca, us Lutz, Richard (Scientist, Chief)
OC399-04 Oceanus (1975 to 2011) 399 04 2004-03-19 2004-04-10 St. George's, bm Woods Hole, ma, us Moffett, James (Scientist, Chief)
KN176-04 Knorr (1970 to 2014) 176 04 2004-03-16 2004-04-10 Bridgetown, bb Woods Hole, ma, us Fowler, Matthew (Scientist, Co-Chief), Canales, Juan Pablo (Scientist, Co-Chief)
AT11-09 Atlantis (1997 to present) 11 09 2004-03-15 2004-04-01 Puntarenas, cr Manzanillo, mx Von Damm, Karen (Scientist, Chief)
KN176-03 Knorr (1970 to 2014) 176 03 2004-03-08 2004-03-14 Balboa, pa Bridgetown, bb Lemmond, Peter (Scientist, Chief)
AT11-08 Atlantis (1997 to present) 11 08 2004-02-27 2004-03-07 Puntarenas, cr Puntarenas, cr Kastner, Miriam (Scientist, Chief)