Tioga Cruise Data

The R/V Tioga is an aluminum hulled coastal research vessel that serves ocean scientists and engineers working in the waters off the Northeastern United States. Tioga is owned by Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution and has been in operation since 2004.
Metadata for the vessels cruises since 2010 have been collected here. As more metadata is collected, this page will be updated. This metadata list is maintained by the DLA, based on the cruise.metadata file provided by the Tioga. Underway data is linked below.

Contact the Data Librarian, Audrey Mickle (amickle@whoi.edu) for questions about Tioga data and metadata.

Use the fields below to search by available Cruise ID, Year, Area Description, Project Description, or Availability of CTD Data.

October 2013
Title Date of Cruise Project Chief Scientist Area Underway Data CTD Data
ti715-02 2013-10-21 Pteropod Collection A. Maas Wilkenson Basin Underway Data CTD Data
ti715-01 2013-10-20 A. Maas trasit to Ptown Underway Data CTD Data
ti714 2013-10-17 REMUS T. Austin Buzzards Bay Underway Data
ti713 2013-10-16 REMUS D. Morton South of Martha's Vinyard Underway Data
ti712 2013-10-15 MVCO Maint T. Crockford South of Martha's Vinyard Underway Data CTD Data
ti711 2013-10-14 Mooring Recoveries x2 W. Ostrom Stellwagen Basin Underway Data CTD Data
ti710 2013-10-09 Corporation/Development N/A Buzzards Bay Underway Data CTD Data
ti709 2013-10-08 REMUS Trials B. Allen Buzzards Bay Underway Data
ti708 2013-10-07 Acoustic Testing K. Ball Buzzards Bay Underway Data CTD Data
September 2013
Title Date of Cruise Project Chief Scientist Area Underway Data CTD Data
ti707 2013-09-24 Deploy test (DMON) buoy K. Newhall Mass Bay Underway Data
ti706 2013-09-23 Wave Guoy recovery and survey B. Guest South of Martha's Vinyard Underway Data
ti705 2013-09-21 Corer Shakedown B. Keafer Hadleys Underway Data
ti704 2013-09-20 12M Node Maint. J. Sisson South of Marthas Vinyard Underway Data
ti703 2013-09-19 ASIT Maint. F. Thwaits South of Marthas Vinyard Underway Data
ti702 2013-09-09 OBS Recovery D. Kot Continental Shelf Underway Data
ti701 2013-09-06 Transformer Swap/Dive J. Sisson South of Martha's Vinyard Underway Data
August 2013
Title Date of Cruise Project Chief Scientist Area Underway Data CTD Data
ti700-04 2013-08-29 transit A. Wang Wilkinson Basin Underway Data CTD Data
ti700-03 2013-08-28 transit A. Wang Wilkinson Basin Underway Data CTD Data
ti700-02 2013-08-27 MOCNESS A. Wang Wilkinson Basin Underway Data CTD Data
ti700-01 2013-08-26 transit A. Wang Wilkinson Basin Underway Data CTD Data
ti699 2013-08-23 Dive, Dive, and more dive J. Sisson South of Martha's Vinyard Underway Data
ti698 2013-08-22 REMUS R. Stokey Buzzards Bay Underway Data
ti697 2013-08-20 Buzzards Bay Underway Data
ti696 2013-08-19 Box Coring W. Fullweiler The MudPatch Underway Data CTD Data
ti695 2013-08-16 VIP Hovey Clifford Buzzards Bay Underway Data
ti694 2013-08-13 ASIT Instrumentation A. Shalapyonok South of Martha's Vinyard Underway Data CTD Data
ti693 2013-08-12 OBS Recovery M. Gould South of Marthas Vinyard Underway Data
ti692 2013-08-09 Deliver 4 REMUS to NUWC RI Sound Underway Data
ti691-05 2013-08-07 Transit K. Hubbard Gulf of Maine Underway Data CTD Data
ti691-04 2013-08-06 ASP Rapid Response K. Hubbard Gulf of Maine Underway Data CTD Data
ti691-03 2013-08-05 ASP Rapid Response K. Hubbard Gulf of Maine Underway Data CTD Data
ti691-02 2013-08-04 ASP Rapid Response K. Hubbard Gulf of Maine Underway Data CTD Data
ti691-01 2013-08-03 Transit K. Hubbard Gulf of Maine Underway Data CTD Data
ti690 2013-08-01 ASIT Maint. C. Sweeny South of Martha's Vinyard Underway Data
July 2013
Title Date of Cruise Project Chief Scientist Area Underway Data CTD Data
ti689 2013-07-31 Wave Glider Recovery L. Freitag South of CoxLedge Underway Data
ti688 2013-07-30 Glider Deployment L. Freitag South of CoxLedge Underway Data
ti687 2013-07-26 SSF Hovey Buzzards Bay Underway Data CTD Data
ti686 2013-07-25 Summer Student Fellows Cruise Hovey Buzzards Bay Underway Data CTD Data
ti685 2013-07-24 Summer Student Fellows Cruise Hovey Buzzards Bay Underway Data CTD Data
ti684 2013-07-23 Summer Student Fellows Cruise Hovey Buzzards Bay Underway Data CTD Data
ti683 2013-07-22 Summer Student Fellows Cruise Hovey Buzzards Bay Underway Data CTD Data
ti682 2013-07-18 Reynolds/Zephyr cruise close Underway Data
ti681 2013-07-17 Node Swap/Dive J. Sisson South of Marthas Vinyard Underway Data
ti680 2013-07-16 Sentry A. Billings South of Marthas Vinyard Underway Data
ti679 2013-07-15 Sentry A. Billings South of Martha's Vinyard Underway Data
ti678 2013-07-13 Dive/FlowCytobot Swap A. Shalapyonok South of Martha's Vinyard Underway Data CTD Data
ti677-03 2013-07-10 Transit Back to WHOI B. Keafer Gulf of Maine Underway Data CTD Data
ti677-02 2013-07-09 Survey B. Keafer Gulf of Maine Underway Data CTD Data
ti677-01 2013-07-08 Survey B. Keafer Gulf of Maine Underway Data CTD Data
June 2013
Title Date of Cruise Project Chief Scientist Area Underway Data CTD Data
ti676 2013-06-24 Wave Buoy Deployment B. Guest South of Martha's Vinyard Underway Data