Tioga Cruise Data

The R/V Tioga is an aluminum hulled coastal research vessel that serves ocean scientists and engineers working in the waters off the Northeastern United States. Tioga is owned by Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution and has been in operation since 2004.
Metadata for the vessels cruises since 2010 have been collected here. As more metadata is collected, this page will be updated. This metadata list is maintained by the DLA, based on the cruise.metadata file provided by the Tioga. Underway data is linked below.

Contact the Data Librarian, Audrey Mickle (amickle@whoi.edu) for questions about Tioga data and metadata.

Use the fields below to search by available Cruise ID, Year, Area Description, Project Description, or Availability of CTD Data.

July 2014
Title Date of Cruise Project Chief Scientist Area Underway Data CTD Data
ti770-05 2014-07-30 Transit to WHOI K. Hubbard Gulf of Maine Underway Data CTD Data
ti770-04 2014-07-27 Oceans & Human Health Survey K. Hubbard Gulf of Maine Underway Data CTD Data
ti770-03 2014-07-26 Oceans & Human Health Survey K. Hubbard Gulf of Maine Underway Data CTD Data
ti770-02 2014-07-25 Oceans & Human Health Survey K. Hubbard Gulf of Maine Underway Data CTD Data
ti770-01 2014-07-24 Transit and Survey K. Hubbard Atlantic Ocean Underway Data CTD Data
ti769 2014-07-21 Battelle MWRA Survey G. Butler Mass Bay Underway Data
ti768 2014-07-18 SSF Cruise #5 H. Clifford Buzzards Bay Underway Data CTD Data
ti767 2014-07-17 SSF #4 H. Clifford Buzzards Bay Underway Data CTD Data
ti766 2014-07-17 Summer Student Edu No# 3 H. Clifford Buzzards Bay Underway Data CTD Data
ti765 2014-07-15 B. Tripp H. Clifford Buzzards Bay Underway Data CTD Data
ti764 2014-07-14 Tempest Glider Recover G. Bawarkiewicz South of Martha's Vinyard Underway Data
ti763 2014-07-14 SSF Education Cruise #1 H. Clifford Buzzards Bay Underway Data CTD Data
ti762-04 2014-07-13 Transit back to WHOI B. Keafer Transit Underway Data CTD Data
ti762-03 2014-07-12 ESP "Jake" Recovery B. Keafer GOM Underway Data CTD Data
ti762-02 2014-07-11 ESP "Dennis" Recovery B. Keafer GOM Underway Data CTD Data
ti762-01 2014-07-10 ESP "Don" Recovery B. Keafer GOM Underway Data CTD Data
June 2014
Title Date of Cruise Project Chief Scientist Area Underway Data CTD Data
ti761 2014-06-25 CTD cast E. Crockford South of Martha's Vinyard Underway Data CTD Data
ti760 2014-06-24 Mass Spec Testing R. Stanley Buzzards Bay Underway Data CTD Data
ti759 2014-06-23 Mass Spec R. Stanley South of Martha's Vinyard Underway Data CTD Data
ti758-04 2014-06-17 transit back to WHOI B. Keafer Gulf of Maine Underway Data CTD Data
ti758-03 2014-06-17 HAB B. Keafer Gulf of Maine Underway Data CTD Data
ti758-02 2014-06-16 HAB B. Keafer Gulf of Maine Underway Data CTD Data
ti758-01 2014-06-15 HAB B. Keafer Gulf of Maine Underway Data CTD Data
ti757 2014-06-14 MWRA Survey M. Fitzpatrick Mass Bay Underway Data
ti756 2014-06-12 Mass Spec and Drifter Deployment R. Stanley Buzzards Bay Underway Data CTD Data
ti755 2014-06-11 CableLaying A. Kirincich South of Martha's Vinyard Underway Data
ti754 2014-06-10 Mooring Deployments A. Kirincich South of Martha's Vinyard Underway Data
ti753 2014-06-09 Mooring Deployments A. Kirincich South of Martha's Vinyard Underway Data
ti752-07 2014-06-07 Transit back to WHOI E. Edson Transit Underway Data CTD Data
ti752-06 2014-06-06 Dive/Photo Expedition J. Whitman Boone Island Underway Data CTD Data
ti752-05 2014-06-04 Dive/Photo Expedition J. Whitman Isles of Shoals Underway Data CTD Data
ti752-04 2014-06-03 Dive/Photo Expedition J. Whitman Isles of Shoals Underway Data CTD Data
May 2014
Title Date of Cruise Project Chief Scientist Area Underway Data CTD Data
ti752-03 2014-05-30 Dive/Photo Expedition J. Whitman CashesLedge Underway Data CTD Data
ti752-02 2014-05-26 Dive/Photo Expedition J. Whitman Isles of Shoals Underway Data CTD Data
ti752-01 2014-05-25 Dive/Photo Expedition J. Whitman Isles of Shoals Underway Data CTD Data
ti751-03 2014-05-22 HAB Survey B. Keafer Gulf of Maine Underway Data CTD Data
ti751-02 2014-05-21 HAB Survey B. Keafer Gulf of Maine Underway Data CTD Data
ti751-01 2014-05-20 HAB Survey B. Keafer Gulf of Maine Underway Data CTD Data
ti750-07 2014-05-19 MAST R. Geyer CT. River Vally Underway Data
ti750-06 2014-05-18 MAST R. Geyer CT. River Vally Underway Data
ti750-05 2014-05-17 MAST R. Geyer CT. River Vally Underway Data
ti750-04 2014-05-16 MAST R. Geyer CT. River Vally Underway Data
ti750-03 2014-05-15 MAST R. Geyer CT. River Vally Underway Data
ti750-02 2014-05-14 MAST R. Geyer CT. River Vally Underway Data
ti750-01 2014-05-13 MAST R. Geyer CT. River Vally Underway Data
ti749 2014-05-09 MWRA Survey M. Fitzgerald Mass Bay Underway Data
ti748-05 2014-05-08 Zephyr/NEA Boston Harbor Underway Data
ti748-04 2014-05-07 Zephyr/NEA Boston Harbor Underway Data
ti748-03 2014-05-06 Zephyr/NEA Boston Harbor Underway Data
ti748-02 2014-05-05 Zephyr/NEA Boston Harbor Underway Data