
Primary tabs

Start Date: 
Monday, July 8, 2013
End Date: 
Wednesday, July 10, 2013
Start Port: 
End Port: 
Operator Cruise ID: 
Cruise Notes: 

UNOLS Summary: WORKING Transit for ONR. Sci will be deploying wave buoys and gliders for cruise ops. 380nm Norfolk to WHOI = 2 days

cruise metatdata:
Notes: Data inconsistencies for KN211-01

SPEEDLOG affecting /underway/proc/*.csv files. At the start of the cruise, the speedlog was spitting out extra strings that are
not normally carried on the feed. This prevented our parsing script from accurately obtaining ship speed from the
speedlog. This was fixed on 8 July 2013 at 1248 GMT. Raw *.SPD files simply have extra stings. Processed .csv files have an
unchanging and incorrect value for the SPD column. On 10 July 2013 at 1229 GMT, the extra strings started spitting out
again. Shutting off the strings at the main speedlog unit did not fix the problem as it had before. Values in the
SPD column of the .csv file are incorrect after this time.

GYRO affecting /underway/raw and /underway/proc files. Due to testing a feed for the science SeaTel antenna, garbage
characters and some GPS data were fed back on the serial line. Data affected are on 9 July 2013 from 1830-1836 and
10 July 2013 from 1505-1506 and 1551.