R/V Melville


LFASE - Low Frequency Acoustic Seismic Experiment

box: 1
partial content list: 3
notes: Sony Video8 cassettes- equipment, electronics, Michigan field work & tests; VHS tapes - Michigan field tests, Marolles field operations, Hydros Leg 5 wiper trip, LFAS report to sponsors; Hydros (platform) LFASE (Low Frequency Acoustic Seismic Experiment) (project) Binders - Multilock downhole telemetry unit & interface unit
provenance: Accession # 2008-1
subjects: LFASE - Low Frequency Acoustic Seismic Experiment
subjects: Multilock Seismic Tool
subjects: hydros leg 5
subjects: marolles field operations
subjects: Seismology.
subjects: Electronics
subjects: michigan field tests
subjects: equipment
subjects: wiper trip
related subjects: R/V Melville
related subjects: LFASE - Low Frequency Acoustic Seismic Experiment
geographic coverage: Blake Bahama Ridge
geographic coverage: marolles
geographic coverage: Michigan
LFASE - Low Frequency Acoustic Seismic Experiment
Multilock Seismic Tool
hydros leg 5
marolles field operations
michigan field tests
wiper trip

Bolmer, S. Thompson [dla:4df1da28-061b-11e1-8e4e-0026b97a63fb]

Stephen, Ralph A. [dla:4e04eef6-061b-11e1-8e4e-0026b97a63fb]

LFASE - Low Frequency Acoustic Seismic Experiment

box: 6
partial content list: 11
notes: Binders, notebooks & files - CCG2ROSE2 code notebooks, optical disk file directories, explosive transcription logs, explosive transcription log, at sea processing, Michigan polarization, Michigan notes and notebooks, Hydros Leg 9 bridge watch Hydros (platform) CCG2ROSE (Oblique Seismic Experiments) (project)
provenance: Ralph Stephen 1996 data donation
subjects: ROSE - Rivera Ocean Seismic Experiment
subjects: inventory list
subjects: at sea processing
subjects: Explosives.
subjects: LFASE - Low Frequency Acoustic Seismic Experiment
subjects: r.a.stephen archives
subjects: notebook
subjects: hydros leg 9
subjects: bridge watch
subjects: optical disk file directories
subjects: notes
subjects: michigan field tests
subjects: CGG - Compagnie Generale de Geophysique
related subjects: R/V Melville
related subjects: LFASE - Low Frequency Acoustic Seismic Experiment
geographic coverage: Blake Bahama Ridge
geographic coverage: Michigan
ROSE - Rivera Ocean Seismic Experiment
inventory list
at sea processing
LFASE - Low Frequency Acoustic Seismic Experiment
r.a.stephen archives
hydros leg 9
bridge watch
optical disk file directories
michigan field tests
CGG - Compagnie Generale de Geophysique

Bolmer, S. Thompson [dla:4df1da28-061b-11e1-8e4e-0026b97a63fb]

Stephen, Ralph A. [dla:4e04eef6-061b-11e1-8e4e-0026b97a63fb]


box: 1
partial content list: 1
partial content list: 2 rolls 5 sec airgun reflection
partial content list: 3 rolls 2 sec airgun reflection
notes: Navigation plots and listing 2 rolls 5 sec airgun reflection 3 rolls 2 sec airgun reflection Rendevous with Marion DuFresne airgun (instrument) airgun (instrument) Marion DuFresne (platform) Filmed by: Dale A Newhouse, 11 Oct 1978 Micrographics, Geologic Data Center Scripps Institution Oceanography, La Jolla, California 11 Oct 1978 (date) Scripps Institute of Oceanography (organization) Newhouse, Dale A. (person)
provenance: AC 2009 27, Margaret Sulanowska (for Henry Dick)
subjects: filmed by: dale a newhouse
subjects: Magnetics
subjects: INDOMED Expedition
subjects: Seismology.
subjects: Navigation.
subjects: Seismic reflection method
subjects: rendevous with marion dufresne
subjects: Airgun
subjects: Bathymetry
related subjects: RV Marion Dufresne
related subjects: Scripps Institution of Oceanography.
related subjects: R/V Melville
related subjects: INDOMED Expedition
geographic coverage: Port Louis, Mauritius
filmed by: dale a newhouse
INDOMED Expedition
Seismic reflection method
rendevous with marion dufresne

Newhouse, Dale A. [dla:4e00008a-061b-11e1-8e4e-0026b97a63fb]

Fisher, Ronald L. [dla:4df6dc8a-061b-11e1-8e4e-0026b97a63fb]

Miscellaneous cruise and project notes, correspondence and data

box: 2
partial content list: 3
notes: VCR tapes from: Hydros, B3S2, Spiess Borehole re-entry, FINDIF, MIchigan, LFASE, Marolles, Thalassa, Hydros (platform) LFASE (Low Frequency Acoustic Seismic Experiment) (project)
provenance: Ralph Stephen/Accession 2006-09
subjects: thalassa
subjects: Finite difference method
subjects: LFASE - Low Frequency Acoustic Seismic Experiment
subjects: Borehole Seismology
subjects: marolles
subjects: michigan field tests
subjects: miscellaneous cruise and project notes, correspondence and data
subjects: b3s2 (project)
related subjects: R/V Melville
Finite difference method
LFASE - Low Frequency Acoustic Seismic Experiment
Borehole Seismology
michigan field tests
miscellaneous cruise and project notes, correspondence and data
b3s2 (project)

Stephen, Ralph A. [dla:4e04eef6-061b-11e1-8e4e-0026b97a63fb]

Buoy Group moored station logs

box: 1
partial content list: 2 boxes
notes: Other ships include: Captain Bill IV - APL mooring 1970-1972 Delaware II -1971 Evergreen - May 4-10, 1971 Hudson 0267 Kurchatov SCOR, Russian mooring Mar-Apr 1970 1970-1972 (date) 1971 (date) May 4-10, 1971 (date) Mar-Apr 1970 (date) mooring (instrument) mooring (instrument) University of Washington Applied Physics Laboratory (APL) (organization) Captain Bill IV (platform) APL (platform) mooring (platform) Delaware II (platform) Evergreen (platform) Hudson (platform) Kurchatov (platform) Russian mooring (platform) Laurel I and II - 1968 Melville - Simoneau and Tupper, Sept. 1971 Mt Mitchell I and II - Antilles Ridge, 1971 Researcher - Geophysical study, Nov 1971 Spar I and II - 1965 Thomas Washington - Aries, Kuroshio,equatorial 1971 Sept. 1971 (date) 1971 (date) Nov 1971 (date) 1965 (date) 1971 (date) Simoneau (person) Tupper, George (person) Laurel I and II (platform) Melville (platform) Mt Mitchell I and II (platform) Researcher (platform) Spar I and II (platform) Thomas Washington (platform) Aries (platform) Antilles Ridge (spatial) Whitefoot Aug 1971 Aug 1971 (date) Whitefoot (platform)
subjects: Moored oceanographic buoys
subjects: Kuroshio
subjects: Moorings.
subjects: pgr
subjects: Moorings, Subsurface
related subjects: Whitefoot
related subjects: USNS Thomas Washington
related subjects: NOAA Ship Mount Mitchell
related subjects: R/V Melville
related subjects: Evergreen (Cutter)
related subjects: Captain Bill IV
related subjects: USCGC Spar
related subjects: NOAA Ship Delaware II
related subjects: russian mooring
related subjects: University of Washington. Applied Physics Laboratory.
related subjects: R/V Gosnold
related subjects: USS Hudson
related subjects: R/V Crawford
related subjects: R/V Aries
related subjects: R/V Akademik Kurchatov
related subjects: Researcher
related subjects: USCGC Laurel
geographic coverage: site d
geographic coverage: Kuroshio
geographic coverage: Antilles
Moored oceanographic buoys
Moorings, Subsurface

Simoneau, David [dla:4e041f58-061b-11e1-8e4e-0026b97a63fb]

Tupper, George H. [dla:4e064706-061b-11e1-8e4e-0026b97a63fb]

Heinmiller, Robert H. [dla:4df975a8-061b-11e1-8e4e-0026b97a63fb]

Gifford, James E. [dla:4df7f584-061b-11e1-8e4e-0026b97a63fb]