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Oral History: Dick Dimmock Oral Histories interview subject: name: Dick Dimmock institutions: WHOI positions: Marine Operations Manager && Port Engineer years of service: 1948-01-01/1995-01-01, interviewer: name: Frank Taylor, interview dates: 2005-02-28 && 2005-04-25 && 2005-05-18 && 2005-07-06
Oral History: Marvin "Mack" McCamis Oral Histories notes: phone interview, interview subject: name: Marvin McCamis institutions: WHOI positions: Alvin Pilot years of service: 1963-01-01/1977-01-01, interviewer: name: Frank Taylor, interview dates: 2003-06-18
Oral History: C.Wylie Poag Oral Histories notes: USGS Oral History Project, interview subject: name: C.Wylie Poag institutions: USGS - Woods Hole positions: Scientist Emeritus years of service: 1974-01-01, interviewer: name: Frank Taylor, interview dates: 2006-04-27 && 2006-05-03
Oral History: William "Skip" Little Oral Histories notes: No video per Skip's request, interview subject: name: William Little institutions: WHOI positions: Information Systems Specialist years of service: 1973-01-01/2005-01-01, interviewer: name: Frank Taylor, interview dates: 2007-05-07 && 2007-05-15
Oral History: George Heimerdinger Oral Histories interview subject: name: George Heimerdinger institutions: WHOI positions: NOAA Field Office Operator years of service: 1971-01-01/2000-01-01, interviewer: name: Frank Taylor, interview dates: 1999-11-24
Oral History: Sheila Payne Oral Histories interview subject: name: Sheila Payne institutions: WHOI positions: Food Services Coordinator years of service: 1972-01-01/2004-01-01, interviewer: name: Frank Taylor, interview dates: 2009-07-01
Oral History: Dave Ross Oral Histories notes: ONR History Symposium, interview subject: name: Dave Ross institutions: WHOI positions: Geologist years of service: 1965-01-01/2005-01-01, interviewer: name: Gary Weir, interviewer: name: Frank Taylor, interview dates: 2000-03-29 && 2005-01-18 && 2005-02-23 && 2005-04-04
Oral History: Ruth Fye (Heym) Oral Histories interview subject: name: Ruth Fye (Heym) institutions: WHOI positions: Senior Secretary for Navy Project 7 years of service: 1958-01-01/1977-01-01, interviewer: name: Frank Taylor, interview dates: 2000-08-10
Oral History: William "Gerry" Metcalf Oral Histories interview subject: name: William Metcalf institutions: WHOI positions: Physical Oceanographer years of service: 1946-01-01/2001-01-01, interviewer: name: Frank Taylor, interview dates: 2001-04-10 && 2001-04-19 && 2001-04-24 && 2001-04-27
Oral History: Richard Backus Oral Histories notes: ONR History Symposium, interview subject: name: Richard Backus institutions: WHOI positions: Scientist Emeritus years of service: 1952-01-01/1952-01-01, interviewer: name: Frank Taylor, interviewer: name: Gary Weir, interview dates: 2003-10-21 && 2003-10-29 && 2003-11-12 && 2003-11-24