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Kane Experiment DC-052: Kane Experiment, Historical Data box: 5, partial content list: 6 boxes, notes: Instrument receiver logbooks; miscellaneous logbooks; airgun & explosive shot instant data airgun (instrument) explosives (instrument), provenance: DuBois/Accession #2003-50, subjects: Explosives., subjects: Seismology., subjects: miscellaneous logbooks, subjects: Airgun, subjects: OBH - Ocean Bottom Hydrophone, subjects: Kane Fracture Zone, related subjects: R/V Atlantis II, related subjects: Kane Fracture Zone 1987 Experiment, related subjects: j.geophys.res.85(b7):3759-3777. 1980, geographic coverage: Mid-Atlantic Ridge., geographic coverage: nc atlantic, geographic coverage: Kane Fracture Zone
Development of synthetic seismograms DC-201: Development of synthetic seismograms (, Historical Data box: 1, notes: ["printouts","charts (graphic documents)"], provenance: refl - reflectivity""
Heat Flow Historical Data, DC-020: Heat Flow box: 2, partial content list: 3, notes: Calibrations and station data plots and calculations HILO - 1976 Swiss Lakes - 1970 SOTW7 - 1972 - K computations Mohole 1976 (date) 1970 (date) 1972 (date) PROA - 1962 Cores and probes Leapfrog Expedition - 1962 - Scripps R/V Stranger, North Pacific 1962 (date) 1962 (date) core (instrument) Scripps Institute of Oceanography (organization) Stranger (platform) North Pacific (spatial), provenance: R. von Herzen, subjects: sotw7 - 1972, subjects: core, subjects: calculations, subjects: PROA Expedition, subjects: Leapfrog Expedition, subjects: station data, subjects: Ocean Heat Flux, subjects: Core sampling, subjects: plots, subjects: Lakes--Switzerland, subjects: Calibration, subjects: hilo - 1976, subjects: k computations mohole, related subjects: Stranger (Ship), related subjects: Scripps Institution of Oceanography., geographic coverage: Lakes--Switzerland, geographic coverage: Pacific Ocean, geographic coverage: North Pacific Ocean, geographic coverage: Gilbert islands, geographic coverage: Galapagos Islands
BLAB Experiment DC-093: BLAB Experiment, Historical Data box: 1, partial content list: 1, notes: R/V Fred Moore FM2501; file boxes & binders - sonobuoy digitizing notes, programming & data; sonobuoy (instrument) R/V Fred Moore (platform) Binder - computer programming, provenance: Dave DuBois/Accession 2005-44, subjects: Computer programming, subjects: programs, subjects: notes, subjects: Sonobuoys, subjects: BLAB Experiment, subjects: data, related subjects: Fred Moore (Ship), related subjects: BLAB Experiment, geographic coverage: Blake Bahama Ridge
Meteorological Data Historical Data, DC-034: Meteorological Data box: 3, notes: Key= 78 deg N - 86 deg N 70 deg N - 71 deg N 75 deg N - 77 deg N, subjects: Meteorology, geographic coverage: Arctic regions., geographic coverage: Black Sea, geographic coverage: Mediterranean Sea
Monthly heat flux and variable averages for Atlantic, Mediterranean, Red and Indian Ocean. Historical Data, DC-019: Monthly heat flux and variable averages for Atlantic, Mediterranean, Red and Indian Ocean. box: 6, partial content list: One folder of computer output paper per Marsden Square, notes: One folder of computer output paper per Marsden Square Monthly averages Marsden Squares 360-410 area classification of Marsden 1.0 degree sub-squares Marsden Squares 360-410 (spatial) From meteorological and climatological data. Refer to MC-26 for related information., provenance: Andrew F. Bunker, subjects: Climatology., subjects: marsden squares 360-410, subjects: Wind, subjects: data, subjects: Ocean Heat Flux, subjects: Meteorology, related subjects:, related subjects: heat flux program, related subjects: WHOI Archives Collection MC-26, geographic coverage: Indian Ocean, geographic coverage: marsden squares 360-410, geographic coverage: Atlantic Ocean, geographic coverage: Mediterranean Sea
CTD station data DC-010: CTD station data, Historical Data box: 15, partial content list: 21 boxes, notes: CTD station data arranged by ship and cruise. ctd (instrument), provenance: The CTD Group, subjects: CTD - Conductivity Temperature Depth, subjects: Temperature, subjects: station data, subjects: Salinity., subjects: Electric conductivity, related subjects: ALCOA Seaprobe, related subjects: USNS Thomas G. Thompson
Bermuda SOFAR Station Drum Records DC-047: Bermuda SOFAR Station Drum Records, Historical Data box: 12, notes: see DC 47, Box 1 for more provenance, etc., subjects: columbia university, geophysical field station, subjects: Bermuda SOFAR Station, subjects: SOFAR (sound fixing and ranging)
CTD station data Historical Data, DC-010: CTD station data box: 17, partial content list: 21 boxes, notes: CTD station data arranged by ship and cruise. ctd (instrument), provenance: The CTD Group, subjects: CTD - Conductivity Temperature Depth, subjects: Temperature, subjects: station data, subjects: Salinity., subjects: Electric conductivity, related subjects: R/V Oceanus, related subjects: R/V Endeavor
Hydrographic log sheets DC-009: Hydrographic log sheets, Historical Data box: 1, partial content list: 30 boxes, notes: Hydrographic log sheets. Columbus Iselin in area 45N, 59E Weatherbird in area 32N, 64W Columbus Iselin (platform) Weatherbird (platform) 45N, 59E (spatial) 32N, 64W (spatial), provenance: Physical Oceanography dept., AC2004-24, subjects: Hydrography., related subjects: R/V Weatherbird II, related subjects: R/V Columbus Iselin, related subjects: index 1979, geographic coverage: 32n, 64w, geographic coverage: 45n, 59e