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Showing 141 - 150 of 175
Title Collection Description
Jason Assembly 1 WHOI Audio/Visual Collection whoi_av_id: Tape 774, full title: Jason Assembly 1, media_type: Tape, original_description: footage of lab and equipment involved in Jason assembly
Jason display WHOI Audio/Visual Collection whoi_av_id: Tape 1030, full title: Jason display, media_type: Tape, original_description: Jason display screen
JASON data (raw, processed), TN117 Data Inventory media: CDs - 8, notes: JASON data (raw, processed), cruise/dive: TN117
Jason digital data and video, AT15-33, Json Dives 497 through 505 Data Inventory media: DVDs ??? 214, notes: Jason digital data and video, cruise/dive: AT15-33, Json Dives 497 through 505
JasPro 89, Trident 01, unknown Data Inventory media: ED-Beta tapes - 347 cassettes, notes: JasPro 89, Trident 01, cruise/dive: unknown
Test video from Jason camera WHOI Audio/Visual Collection whoi_av_id: Tape 574, full title: Test video from Jason camera, media_type: Tape, original_description: View of ship and water, Jason gets lowered
Jason Preparation WHOI Audio/Visual Collection tape_number: 7, whoi_av_id: Tape 584, full title: Jason Preparation no. 7, media_type: Tape, original_description: Jason being put into Hugo, generic footage
Jason data, AT18-12 Data Inventory
Jason Project 1990 - Lake Ontario - JASON II: The Great Lakes, JasPro90 Data Inventory media: Sony beta video - 179 cassettes, media: Sony video 8 used for data - 46 cassettes, notes: Jason Project 1990 - Lake Ontario - JASON II: The Great Lakes, cruise/dive: JasPro90
JASON data (csv, jas, dnv), lowering archive, , parsed data (csv, ctd, jts, lss, mag, nav, ship, sys), processed digital pictures (jpgs), raw digital pictures (jpgs), Virtual Van, TN151 Data Inventory media: CDs - 90, notes: JASON data (csv, jas, dnv), lowering archive, , parsed data (csv, ctd, jts, lss, mag, nav, ship, sys), processed digital pictures (jpgs), raw digital pictures (jpgs), Virtual Van, cruise/dive: TN151