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Showing 101 - 110 of 283
Title Collection Description
Oceanus cruise data (150ADCP, 300ADCP, IMET, archive data), 322 Data Inventory media: CDs - 1, notes: Oceanus cruise data (150ADCP, 300ADCP, IMET, archive data), cruise/dive: 322
Oceanus SSSG data, 1991-1997 Data Inventory media: CDs - 1, notes: Oceanus SSSG data, cruise/dive: 1991-1997
Oceanus cruise data (Athena, ADCP, CTD, share), 395-2 Data Inventory media: CDs - 2, notes: Oceanus cruise data (Athena, ADCP, CTD, share), cruise/dive: 395-2
Oceanus cruise data (CTD, data), 369-1 - 369-3 Data Inventory media: CDs - 2, notes: Oceanus cruise data (CTD, data), cruise/dive: 369-1 - 369-3
Oceanus cruise data (ADCP, ADCP75, Athena, CTD, Knudsen, Salt/02, URI-GTD, XCTD), cruise pictures, 419 Data Inventory media: DVDs - 4, notes: Oceanus cruise data (ADCP, ADCP75, Athena, CTD, Knudsen, Salt/02, URI-GTD, XCTD), cruise pictures, cruise/dive: 419
Oceanus cruise data, 379 Data Inventory media: CDs - 1, notes: Oceanus cruise data, cruise/dive: 379
Oceanus Cruise OC476-02 Cruise Data Data Inventory
Oceanus 379. June 1-14, 2002. CS: Larry Madin. Shelf and Slope break from Cape May to Cape Hatteras Lab Tape - WHOI Audio/Visual Collection tape_number: 4, whoi_av_id: Media Tape 2230, full title: Oceanus 379. June 1-14, 2002. CS: Larry Madin. Shelf and Slope break from Cape May to Cape Hatteras Lab Tape - Tape 4, media_type: Media Tape
Study of Continental Rifting and Extension on the Eastern Canadian Shelf (SCREECH), 359-2 Data Inventory media: 8mm data tapes - 45 cassettes, notes: Study of Continental Rifting and Extension on the Eastern Canadian Shelf (SCREECH), cruise/dive: 359-2
Oceanus cruise data, 462 Data Inventory media: Digital Collection, notes: Oceanus cruise data, cruise/dive: 462