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Development of synthetic seismograms DC-201: Development of synthetic seismograms (, Historical Data box: 2, notes: ["printouts"], provenance: stb1 prerefrac log""
Ph.D. thesis data Historical Data, DC-205: Ph.D. thesis data box: 7, partial content list: 7, notes: Data interpretations, COSE data runs, oscillograph recording paper rolls of COSE, covariance printouts, OBH records, Oseline runs, geophone data ocean bottom hydrophone (obh) (instrument) geophone (instrument) COSE (Oblique Seismic Experiments) (project) COSE (Oblique Seismic Experiments) (project), provenance: Ralph Stephen 1984 data donation, subjects: data runs, subjects: data interpretations, subjects: data, subjects: OBH - Ocean Bottom Hydrophone, subjects: covariance printouts, subjects: Geophone, subjects: ph.d. thesis data, subjects: oscillograph recording, subjects: COSE - California Oblique Seismic Experiments, subjects: OSE - Oblique Seismic Experiments, related subjects: COSE - California Oblique Seismic Experiments, related subjects: OSE - Oblique Seismic Experiments, related subjects: ralph a. stephen's 1978 ph.d. thesis, cambridge university, geographic coverage: California
NOBS Experiment DC-097: NOBS Experiment, Historical Data box: 1, partial content list: 1, notes: Logbooks and publication abstracts Navajo tug - deployment cruise; Thompson - recovery cruise, provenance: Dave DuBois/Accession 2005-44, subjects: publication abstracts, subjects: Near Ocean Bottom Explosives Launcher (NOBEL), subjects: OBS - Ocean Bottom Seismometer, subjects: Seismology., subjects: Seafloor Noise, subjects: Logbooks, related subjects: NOBS - Noise on Basalt and Sediment Experiment, related subjects: R/V Thomas G. Thompson, geographic coverage: Cascadia Basin, geographic coverage: Juan de Fuca Ridge., geographic coverage: Gorda Ridge Region (Or. and Calif.)
Oblique Seismic Experiments (OSE) working notes DC-209: Oblique Seismic Experiments (OSE) working notes, Historical Data box: 2, partial content list: 6 notebooks, notes: 6 notebooks - SOBO 6km circles, COVAR, COUSTAT, particle motion, SOBZO plots, reflection lines & modelling, shear waves, DSDP legg 88 OSS data DSDP (Deep Sea Drilling Project) (project) SOBO (project), provenance: Ralph Stephen/Accession 2006-09, subjects: sobzo plots, subjects: Shear waves, subjects: Particle Motion, subjects: covar, subjects: coustat, subjects: Deep Sea Drilling Project., subjects: Seismic reflection method, subjects: SOBO - Son Of BOSE, subjects: OSS - Ocean Subbottom Seismometer, subjects: OSE - Oblique Seismic Experiments, related subjects: OSE - Oblique Seismic Experiments
Ocean Industry Program, members' meetings WHOI Audio/Visual Collection tape_number: 3, whoi_av_id: Tape 113, full title: Ocean Industry Program, members' meeting, tape 3, media_type: Tape, original_description: Speaker Ralph A. Stephens, Deep ocean bore hole seismology
Development of synthetic seismograms DC-201: Development of synthetic seismograms, Historical Data box: 3, partial content list: 6 boxes, notes: FINDIF listings with MODS & FIXES,FINDIF on the Cray,TT programs,reflectivity test runs,FINDIF software, output & benchmarks,polarization programs & data, SYNACL ABS BNDY for slow formation, CROSE (Costa Rica Oblique Seismic Experiment) LSQ fit CROSE (Costa Rica Oblique Seismic Experiment) (project) S series FINDIF reef models, miscellaneous listings Inventory list "R.A.Stephen Archives #95-10" included, provenance: Ralph Stephen 1996 data donation, subjects: inventory list, subjects: CROSE - Costa Rica Oblique Seismic Experiment, subjects: miscellaneous listings, subjects: lsq fit, subjects: Cray, subjects: r.a.stephen archives, subjects: SYNACL - Synthetic Acoustic Logging, subjects: output & benchmarks, subjects: Seismograms, subjects: Finite difference method, subjects: refl - reflectivity, subjects: Seismic reflection method, subjects: programs, subjects: polarization programs & data, related subjects: development of synthetic seismograms
Ph.D. thesis data DC-205: Ph.D. thesis data, Historical Data box: 4, partial content list: 7, notes: CROSE original data and tape; original thesis drafting package; OSE geophone data printouts; Folders - cruise navigation geophone (instrument) CROSE (Costa Rica Oblique Seismic Experiment) (project) OSE (Oblique Seismic Experiments) (project), provenance: Ralph Stephen 1984 data donation, subjects: original thesis drafting package, subjects: CROSE - Costa Rica Oblique Seismic Experiment, subjects: data, subjects: Geophone, subjects: ph.d. thesis data, subjects: data printouts, subjects: Navigation., subjects: tape, subjects: OSE - Oblique Seismic Experiments, related subjects: CROSE - Costa Rica Oblique Seismic Experiment, related subjects: OSE - Oblique Seismic Experiments, related subjects: ralph a. stephen's 1978 ph.d. thesis, cambridge university, geographic coverage: Costa Rica
Office of Naval Research talks WHOI Audio/Visual Collection tape_number: 2, whoi_av_id: Tape 689, full title: Office of Naval Research talks, tape 2 of 4, media_type: Tape, original_description: Speakers David Chapman and Ralph Stephen
FINDIF Synthetic Seismogram Code & File Listings - working notes DC-210: FINDIF Synthetic Seismogram Code & File Listings - working notes, Historical Data box: 1, partial content list: 8 notebooks, notes: 8 notebooks - notes, computer printouts, programming, calculations, attenuation, tape listings, provenance: Ralph Stephen/Accession 2006-09, subjects: attenuation, subjects: Finite difference method, subjects: tape listings, subjects: calculations, subjects: programs, subjects: notes, subjects: Seismograms
Ocean Industry Program, members' meetings WHOI Audio/Visual Collection tape_number: 12, whoi_av_id: Tape 104, full title: Ocean Industry Program, members' meeting, tape 12, media_type: Tape, original_description: Speaker Ralph A. Stephen, Finite differences seismograms for model ocean floors