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Showing 71 - 80 of 333
Title Collection Description
Al Vine in Alvin sphere WHOI Audio/Visual Collection notes: A-D Strip test 02/10/05 Condition 0, whoi_av_id: Film 232, full title: Al Vine in Alvin sphere, media_type: Film, original_description: some out of focus, some dark
Alvin/Lulu film clips WHOI Audio/Visual Collection notes: A-D Strip test 02/10/05 Condition 1, whoi_av_id: Film 208, full title: Alvin/Lulu film clips, media_type: Film, original_description: Alvin shots for NBC, General scenes
Atlantis/ Alvin WHOI Audio/Visual Collection whoi_av_id: Media Tape 1408, full title: Atlantis/ Alvin 8/25/98, media_type: Media Tape, original_description: Launch and recover Alvin off the R/V Atlantis
Alvin components WHOI Audio/Visual Collection notes: A-D Strip test 12/09/04 Condition 1, whoi_av_id: Film 193, full title: Alvin components, media_type: Film, original_description: arm assembly
Lulu model/Alvin model WHOI Audio/Visual Collection whoi_av_id: Film 902, full title: Lulu model/Alvin model ?, media_type: Film, original_description: film can not identified, stored with other Lulu Alvin model film
Alvin launch; shot at Monterey Canyon WHOI Audio/Visual Collection notes: Unknown ID Number, whoi_av_id: Media Tape ukn, full title: Alvin launch; shot at Monterey Canyon, media_type: Media Tape
Alvin/Atlantis II version F WHOI Audio/Visual Collection whoi_av_id: Tape 306, full title: Alvin/Atlantis II version F, media_type: Tape, original_description: Atlantis II at dock, Alvin on deck, Alvin launch from A frame and recovery
DSL - AGU WHOI Audio/Visual Collection whoi_av_id: Tape 509, full title: DSL - AGU, media_type: Tape, original_description: Deep Submergence Lab, American Geophysical Union, underwater footage of Titanic shipwreck, Alvin going into water
Alvin/Atlantis II WHOI Audio/Visual Collection whoi_av_id: Tape 300, full title: Alvin/Atlantis II, media_type: Tape, original_description: Alvin / Atlantis II from Alvin group, Alvin in water at surface
Walter Cronkite's Universe WHOI Audio/Visual Collection whoi_av_id: Tape 270, full title: Walter Cronkite's Universe, media_type: Tape, original_description: Walter Cronkite with Robert Ballard, filming from inside Alvin, scenes with Lulu, Holger Jannasch, hydrothermal vents, etc.