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Title Collection Description
RKAN Experiment Historical Data, DC-053: RKAN Experiment box: 7, partial content list: 9, notes: OBH earthquake records; OBH deployments; UV transcription ocean bottom hydrophone (obh) (instrument) ocean bottom hydrophone (obh) (instrument), provenance: DuBois/Accession #2004-04, subjects: uv transcription, subjects: RKAN Experiment, subjects: OBH - Ocean Bottom Hydrophone, subjects: Acoustics, related subjects: j.geophys.res.89(b12):10249-10266. 1984, related subjects: R/V Knorr, related subjects: RKAN Experiment, geographic coverage: Mid-Atlantic Ridge., geographic coverage: North West Atlantic Ocean (limit 40W), geographic coverage: Kane Fracture Zone
Domino Experiment Historical Data, DC-051: Domino Experiment box: 7, partial content list: 9 boxes, notes: PADDY O/P ocean bottom hydrophone (obh) (instrument) explosives (instrument) OBH shot & explosive records, provenance: DuBois/Accession #2004-10, subjects: Explosives., subjects: Seismology., subjects: paddy o/p, subjects: DOMINO Experiment, subjects: OBH - Ocean Bottom Hydrophone, related subjects: R/V Knorr, related subjects: DOMINO Experiment, related subjects: mar.geophys.res. 5(3):301-314. 1982, geographic coverage: Bermuda, geographic coverage: North West Atlantic Ocean (limit 40W)
Allen Gunderson Coll. WHOI Audio/Visual Collection notes: A-D Strip test 07/22/05 Condition 0, whoi_av_id: Film 801, full title: Allen Gunderson Coll., media_type: Film, original_description: Dredging, Knorr, 2 of 10
Gulf Stream WHOI Audio/Visual Collection whoi_av_id: Film 775, full title: Gulf Stream, media_type: Film, original_description: same as #775: Fritz Fuglister, Woods Hole, Atlantis II, Knorr , better condition, MN 10842
Knorr cruise data, KN205 Data Inventory Underway cruise data
Knorr cruise data, KN221-02 Data Inventory
Knorr science data (Athena, shiptrack), 166-9 Data Inventory media: CDs - 2, notes: Knorr science data (Athena, shiptrack), cruise/dive: 166-9
Knorr cruise data, 200-01 Data Inventory media: Digital collection, notes: Knorr cruise data, cruise/dive: 200-01
Knorr cruise data (acnav), 131 Data Inventory media: CDs - 1, notes: Knorr cruise data (acnav), cruise/dive: 131
Knorr cruise data, 197-3 Data Inventory media: DVDs ??? 8, notes: Knorr cruise data, cruise/dive: 197-3