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Showing 81 - 90 of 175
Title Collection Description
Argo20, 10sec, Argo 22, Argo23, Argo24, Argo25, acnavp, Argorise Data Inventory media: CDs - 1, notes: Argo20, 10sec, Argo 22, Argo23, Argo24, Argo25, acnavp, cruise/dive: Argorise
JASON & Argo data, programs & data, science logs & framegrabs, Cook12MV Data Inventory media: CDs - 3, notes: JASON & Argo data, programs & data, science logs & framegrabs, cruise/dive: Cook12MV, cruise/dive: R/V Melville, Cruise Cook 12MV
Argo/Bismarck video highlights WHOI Audio/Visual Collection whoi_av_id: Tape 2580, full title: Argo/Bismarck video highlights, media_type: Tape, original_description: Chief scientist Robert Ballard, Mediterranean Sea, Jason Project 88, Bismarck
Jason Test Tape WHOI Audio/Visual Collection whoi_av_id: Tape 577, full title: Jason Test Tape, media_type: Tape, original_description: Jason assembly in warehouse, test
Argo/Jason Preparation WHOI Audio/Visual Collection tape_number: 10, whoi_av_id: Tape 587, full title: Argo/Jason Preparation #10, media_type: Tape, original_description: Jason project generic footage, Hugo and Jason moving out
Jason data, AT26-09_Wheat13 Data Inventory
JasPro88 Starella Bismark Data Inventory media: VHS - 518 cassettes, Umatic - 374 cassettes, notes: JasPro88 Starella Bismark
Jason2 video, pxelfly (raw & processed), DSL (raw & processed), processed data, photos (raw, reworked, processed, renamed), virtual van, raw data, dvl nav, sharps & CSV data, GMT scripts, plots, spreadsheet, processing scripts, TUIM07MV Data Inventory media: CDs - 36, DVDs - 198, notes: Jason2 video, pxelfly (raw & processed), DSL (raw & processed), processed data, photos (raw, reworked, processed, renamed), virtual van, raw data, dvl nav, sharps & CSV data, GMT scripts, plots, spreadsheet, processing scripts, cruise/dive: TUIM07MV
Moving Jason to CRL WHOI Audio/Visual Collection whoi_av_id: Tape 789, full title: Moving Jason to CRL, media_type: Tape, original_description: Hoisting Jason onto platform
Argo/Jason Preparation WHOI Audio/Visual Collection tape_number: 2, whoi_av_id: Tape 581, full title: Argo/Jason Preparation #2, media_type: Tape, original_description: Generic footage of preparation