Historical Data

This collection contains historical data, ranging from bathythermograph plots from the early 20th century to seismic profile recordings.

Monthly heat flux and variable averages for Atlantic, Mediterranean, Red and Indian Ocean.

box: 4
partial content list: One folder of computer output paper per Marsden Square
notes: One folder of computer output paper per Marsden Square Monthly averages Marsden Squares 152-251 area classification of Marsden 1.0 degree sub-squares Marsden Squares 152-251 (spatial) From meteorological and climatological data. Refer to MC-26 for related information.
provenance: Andrew F. Bunker
subjects: Climatology.
subjects: Wind
subjects: data
subjects: Ocean Heat Flux
subjects: Meteorology
subjects: marsden squares 152-251
related subjects: http://ams.allenpress.com/archive/1520-0477/57/6/pdf/i1520-0477-57-6-670.pdf
related subjects: heat flux program
related subjects: WHOI Archives Collection MC-26
geographic coverage: Indian Ocean
geographic coverage: Atlantic Ocean
geographic coverage: marsden squares 152-251
geographic coverage: Mediterranean Sea
Ocean Heat Flux
marsden squares 152-251

Bunker, Andrew A. [dla:4df2a728-061b-11e1-8e4e-0026b97a63fb]

Monthly heat flux and variable averages for Atlantic, Mediterranean, Red and Indian Ocean.

box: 3
partial content list: One folder of computer output paper per Marsden Square
notes: One folder of computer output paper per Marsden Square Monthly averages Marsden Squares 115-151 area classification of Marsden 1.0 degree sub-squares Marsden Squares 115-151 (spatial) From meteorological and climatological data. Refer to MC-26 for related information.
provenance: Andrew F. Bunker
subjects: marsden squares 115-151
subjects: Climatology.
subjects: Wind
subjects: data
subjects: Ocean Heat Flux
subjects: Meteorology
related subjects: http://ams.allenpress.com/archive/1520-0477/57/6/pdf/i1520-0477-57-6-670.pdf
related subjects: heat flux program
related subjects: WHOI Archives Collection MC-26
geographic coverage: marsden squares 115-151
geographic coverage: Indian Ocean
geographic coverage: Atlantic Ocean
geographic coverage: Mediterranean Sea
marsden squares 115-151
Ocean Heat Flux

Bunker, Andrew A. [dla:4df2a728-061b-11e1-8e4e-0026b97a63fb]

Monthly heat flux and variable averages for Atlantic, Mediterranean, Red and Indian Ocean.

box: 2
partial content list: 13
partial content list: One folder of computer output paper per Marsden Square
notes: One folder of computer output paper per Marsden Square Monthly averages Marsden Squares 63-113 area classification of Marsden 1.0 degree sub-squares Marsden Squares 63-113 (spatial) From meteorological and climatological data. Refer to MC-26 for related information.
provenance: Andrew F. Bunker
subjects: Climatology.
subjects: marsden squares 63-113
subjects: Wind
subjects: data
subjects: Ocean Heat Flux
subjects: Meteorology
related subjects: http://ams.allenpress.com/archive/1520-0477/57/6/pdf/i1520-0477-57-6-670.pdf
related subjects: heat flux program
related subjects: WHOI Archives Collection MC-26
geographic coverage: Indian Ocean
geographic coverage: marsden squares 63-113
geographic coverage: Atlantic Ocean
geographic coverage: Mediterranean Sea
marsden squares 63-113
Ocean Heat Flux

Bunker, Andrew A. [dla:4df2a728-061b-11e1-8e4e-0026b97a63fb]

Shoreline and Beach Photographs

box: 1
partial content list: 6 three-ring binders
notes: 6 three-ring binders. Binder A contains Stetson beach, marsh & aerial photographs. Binder B contains aerial photos of the East Coast, Texas Coast & Cape Cod. Binder D (4 binders) contains coastal charts, shoreline surveys & profiles East Coast United States (spatial) Texas Coast (spatial) Cape Cod (spatial) Provincetown,Truro, Texas Coast Provincetown (spatial) Truro (spatial) Texas Coast (spatial) Aircraft - R4D, C54Q, Helio Aircraft - R4D, (platform) C54Q, Helio (platform)
provenance: John Zeigler
subjects: shoreline and beach photographs
subjects: vertical photographs
subjects: Marshes
subjects: Aerial photography
subjects: Coastal charting
subjects: Beaches
related subjects: R4D (Airplane)
related subjects: Helio (Airplane)
related subjects: C54Q (Airplane)
geographic coverage: East Coast - US/Canada
geographic coverage: Provincetown, Mass.
geographic coverage: Texas
geographic coverage: Cape Cod (Mass.)
geographic coverage: Truro, Mass.
geographic coverage: Gulf of Mexico
shoreline and beach photographs
vertical photographs
Aerial photography
Coastal charting


Stetson, Henry Crosby [dla:4e04fb1c-061b-11e1-8e4e-0026b97a63fb]

Drill Samples & Log

box: 1
partial content list: 1
notes: Other contibutors - Alfred C. Redfield, William D. Athearn. 1 Driller\'s log book. 3 three-ring binders. Pond samples, sand size, peat. Mechanical Analysis Data Sheets. Redfield, Alfred C. (person) Athearn, William D. (person) Pilgrim Heights, Race Point, Holden\'s Pond, Jim\'s Pond & Well, Pilgrim Heights (spatial) Race Point (spatial) Holden\'s Pond (spatial) Jim\'s Pond & Well (spatial) Includes handwritten inventory by Bill Dunkle. Some transcripts by H.Hoskins. Correspondence. Dunkle, William (person) Hoskins, Hartley (person)
provenance: Hartley Hoskins
subjects: Drill
subjects: Ponds
subjects: Peat
subjects: Sand
subjects: mechanical analysis data sheets
subjects: Core drilling
subjects: transcripts by h.hoskins
subjects: handwritten inventory by bill dunkle
subjects: Sediments (Geology)
related subjects: science, 132(3437):1397-1398. 1960.
geographic coverage: hoskins, hartley (person)
geographic coverage: Truro, Mass.
geographic coverage: Holden's Pond
geographic coverage: jim's pond & well
geographic coverage: Provincetown, Mass.
geographic coverage: dunkle, william (person)
geographic coverage: Pilgrim Heights (Provincetown, MA)
geographic coverage: Cape Cod (Mass.)
geographic coverage: Race Point (Provincetown, Mass.)
mechanical analysis data sheets
Core drilling
transcripts by h.hoskins
handwritten inventory by bill dunkle
Sediments (Geology)

Athearn, William Dean [dla:4df06c06-061b-11e1-8e4e-0026b97a63fb]


Giese, Graham S. [dla:4df7f322-061b-11e1-8e4e-0026b97a63fb]

Tasha, Herman J. [dla:4e059b3a-061b-11e1-8e4e-0026b97a63fb]

Redfield, Alfred C. [dla:4e0200a6-061b-11e1-8e4e-0026b97a63fb]

Vertical location and exchange of heat and water between the air and the sea in the region of the trades.

box: 1
partial content list: 1 box
notes: HOTWIRE records Brown records, Heat and water exchange, late 40s. PBY-5 airplane includes Daily work Plane captain log and Smooth log for surface vessel. includes psychrographs. Refer to MC-26 for related information. Pub. title Vertical location and exchange of heat and water between the air and the sea in the region of the trades. Prepared by WHOI for the Bureau of Ships
provenance: Andrew F. Bunker
subjects: Airplanes
subjects: smooth log for surface vessel
subjects: Psychrometry
subjects: Ocean Heat Flux
subjects: brown records
subjects: hotwire records
related subjects: Atlantis (Ketch : 1931-1966)
related subjects: WHOI Archives Collection MC-26
related subjects: report of studies conducted during the spring of 1946 in the panama and caribbean sea frontiers
related subjects: project 25
related subjects: vertical location and exchange of heat and water between the air and the sea in the region of the trades. prepared by whoi for the bureau of ships
related subjects: PBY5 (Airplane)
geographic coverage: Puerto Rico.
geographic coverage: Caribbean Sea
geographic coverage: Gulf of Panama
smooth log for surface vessel
Ocean Heat Flux
brown records
hotwire records

Hydrographic log sheets

box: 2
partial content list: 30 boxes
notes: Hydrographic log sheets.
provenance: Physical Oceanography dept., AC2004-24
subjects: Hydrography.
subjects: Sea temperature
related subjects: R/V Balanus
geographic coverage: Western Atlantic
Sea temperature

Hydrographic log sheets

box: 3
partial content list: 30 boxes
notes: Hydrographic log sheets.
provenance: Physical Oceanography dept., AC2004-24
subjects: Hydrography.
subjects: Sea temperature
related subjects: R/V Caryn
geographic coverage: Western Atlantic
Sea temperature

MK85 Experiment

box: 2
partial content list: 3
notes: Data notebooks - bathymetry, magnetics, GPS navigation, dredge sheets; Binders - data processing notes; IPC shipboard computer systems binder with \ gps (instrument) dredge (instrument)
provenance: DuBois/2004-58
subjects: Data processing
subjects: DOBH - Digital Ocean Bottom Hydrophone
subjects: GPS
subjects: Computing at Sea
subjects: Magnetics
subjects: data notebooks
subjects: Seismology.
subjects: Deep Explosive Gun
subjects: Navigation.
subjects: notes
subjects: Dredging
subjects: Kane Fracture Zone
subjects: Bathymetry
related subjects: MARK 85 - Mid-Atlantic Ridge Kane 1985 Experiment
related subjects: j.geophys.res. , 92(b9):9351-9362, 1987
related subjects: R/V Knorr
geographic coverage: Mid-Atlantic Ridge.
geographic coverage: North West Atlantic Ocean (limit 40W)
geographic coverage: Kane Fracture Zone
Data processing
DOBH - Digital Ocean Bottom Hydrophone
Computing at Sea
data notebooks
Deep Explosive Gun
Kane Fracture Zone


MK85 Experiment

box: 3
partial content list: 3
notes: Binders - data processing notes, TAG microEQs, OBH records ocean bottom hydrophone (obh) (instrument)
provenance: DuBois/2004-58
subjects: Data processing
subjects: DOBH - Digital Ocean Bottom Hydrophone
subjects: Seismology.
subjects: tag microeqs
subjects: Deep Explosive Gun
subjects: notes
subjects: OBH - Ocean Bottom Hydrophone
subjects: Kane Fracture Zone
related subjects: MARK 85 - Mid-Atlantic Ridge Kane 1985 Experiment
related subjects: j.geophys.res. , 92(b9):9351-9362, 1987
related subjects: R/V Knorr
geographic coverage: Mid-Atlantic Ridge.
geographic coverage: North West Atlantic Ocean (limit 40W)
geographic coverage: Kane Fracture Zone
Data processing
DOBH - Digital Ocean Bottom Hydrophone
tag microeqs
Deep Explosive Gun
OBH - Ocean Bottom Hydrophone
Kane Fracture Zone
