Historical Data

This collection contains historical data, ranging from bathythermograph plots from the early 20th century to seismic profile recordings.

C.O.S.T. B2 & B3 Well Data

box: 2
partial content list: 2
notes: Strip logs, resistivity logs, physical formation logs, temperature logs, instantaneous drilling evaluation logs - many of these are marked \ Drilling velocity conversion data, daily drilling reports, lithostratigraphy, porosity, uranium & thorium neutron measurements, analog seismic data, program DESED, computer printouts, figures & schematics
provenance: Ralph Stephen/Accession 2006-09
subjects: c.o.s.t. b2 & b3 well data
subjects: program desed
subjects: physical formation logs
subjects: Porosity
subjects: Ocean Heat Flux
subjects: schematics
subjects: Quartz
subjects: Seismology.
subjects: Core drilling
subjects: X-Ray Diffraction
subjects: strip logs
subjects: Uranium-thorium dating
subjects: Sediments (Geology)
subjects: Lithostratigraphy
subjects: Drill
subjects: Sand
subjects: data
subjects: Offshore drilling for oil
subjects: standard preparation & records
subjects: temperature logs
subjects: Neutrons
subjects: Logbooks
related subjects: Continental Offshore Stratigraphic Test
geographic coverage: Baltimore Canyon
geographic coverage: Atlantic Ocean
c.o.s.t. b2 & b3 well data
program desed
physical formation logs
Ocean Heat Flux
Core drilling
X-Ray Diffraction
strip logs
Uranium-thorium dating
Sediments (Geology)
Offshore drilling for oil
standard preparation & records
temperature logs

von Herzen, Richard Pierre Von [dla:4e06aa48-061b-11e1-8e4e-0026b97a63fb]

Hawaii E.E.Z. Data

box: 1
partial content list: 16 digital audio tapes
partial content list: 1 8mm videocassette
notes: 14 digital audio tapes - Tonga heat flow single channel seismic lines 2 digital audio tapes - Pacific Plate heat flow single channel seismic lines Tonga (spatial) Pacific Plate (spatial) 1 - 8mm videocassette - tar file source tape - TT025-TAR
provenance: Ralph Stephen/Accession 2006-09
subjects: Earth--Heat flow
subjects: Seismology.
subjects: hawaii e.e.z. data
subjects: Plate tectonics--Pacific Ocean.
subjects: Tonga
subjects: Airgun
subjects: Ocean Heat Flux
related subjects: GLORIA -- Geological LOng-Range Inclined Asdic -- Sidescan Sonar System
geographic coverage: Hawaii
geographic coverage: Plate tectonics--Pacific Ocean.
geographic coverage: Tonga
Earth--Heat flow
hawaii e.e.z. data
Plate tectonics--Pacific Ocean.
Ocean Heat Flux

von Herzen, Richard Pierre Von [dla:4e06aa48-061b-11e1-8e4e-0026b97a63fb]

Acoustic Reverberation Special Research Program

box: 1
partial content list: 2
partial content list: 9 8mm data cartridges
partial content list: 1 VHS tape
partial content list: 2 150 mb data cartridges
notes: Symposium & meeting report/plan volumes (9); Loose papers include R/V Cory Chouest shipboard communication 7 emails, navigation, station data, onboard computer programming, seismics & acoustics data R/V Cory Chouest (platform) File box containing 8mm data cartridges (9); VHS tape; 150 mb data cartridge (2)
provenance: Ralph Stephen/Accession 2006-09
subjects: r/v cory chouest shipboard communication 7 emails
subjects: data
subjects: station data
subjects: Acoustics
subjects: Computing at Sea
subjects: symposium & meeting report/plan
subjects: Seismology.
subjects: Navigation.
subjects: acoustic reverberation special research program
related subjects: MV Cory Chouest
related subjects: ARSRP - Acoustic Reverberation Special Research Program
r/v cory chouest shipboard communication 7 emails
station data
Computing at Sea
symposium & meeting report/plan
acoustic reverberation special research program

Stephen, Ralph A. [dla:4e04eef6-061b-11e1-8e4e-0026b97a63fb]

C.O.S.T. B2 & B3 Well Data

box: 1
partial content list: 2 microfilm rolls
partial content list: 4 paper rolls
notes: Lab & field notebooks, binders, file folders - lithology, heat & thermal conductivity, atomic absorption spectrophotometry, sample density & porosity 2 microfilm rolls & 4 paper rolls - X-ray patterns, lithologic logs
provenance: Ralph Stephen/Accession 2006-09
subjects: c.o.s.t. b2 & b3 well data
subjects: Sand
subjects: notebook
subjects: Porosity
subjects: Lithology
subjects: Ocean Heat Flux
subjects: Atomic absorption spectrophotometry
subjects: Offshore drilling for oil
subjects: Earth--Density
subjects: lab & field
subjects: X-rays
subjects: Sediments (Geology)
related subjects: Continental Offshore Stratigraphic Test
geographic coverage: Baltimore Canyon
geographic coverage: Atlantic Ocean
c.o.s.t. b2 & b3 well data
Ocean Heat Flux
Atomic absorption spectrophotometry
Offshore drilling for oil
lab & field
Sediments (Geology)

von Herzen, Richard Pierre Von [dla:4e06aa48-061b-11e1-8e4e-0026b97a63fb]

Reduced Data

box: 5
notes: Bermuda, Gulf Stream Bermuda (spatial) Gulf Stream (spatial) other chief scientists: Woodcock, Ewing, Iselin, Spilhaus Woodcock, Alfred H. (person) Ewing, William Maurice (person) Iselin (person) Spilhaus (person)
subjects: reduced data
subjects: Gulf Stream.
subjects: Bathymetry
subjects: Bathythermograph.
related subjects: Atlantis (Ketch : 1931-1966)
geographic coverage: Cuba.
geographic coverage: Bermuda
geographic coverage: Gulf Stream.
geographic coverage: North Atlantic Ocean
reduced data
Gulf Stream.

Watson, Edmond E. [dla:4e06fec6-061b-11e1-8e4e-0026b97a63fb]

Spilhaus, Athelstan Frederick [dla:4e04b1ca-061b-11e1-8e4e-0026b97a63fb]

Iselin, Columbus O'Donnell [dla:4dfa9582-061b-11e1-8e4e-0026b97a63fb]

Ewing, Maurice [dla:4df680d2-061b-11e1-8e4e-0026b97a63fb]

Stetson, Henry Crosby [dla:4e04fb1c-061b-11e1-8e4e-0026b97a63fb]

Woodcock, Alfred H. [dla:4e07f20e-061b-11e1-8e4e-0026b97a63fb]

Watson, Stanley W. [dla:4e0707a4-061b-11e1-8e4e-0026b97a63fb]


Reduced Data

box: 6
notes: Gulf Stream, Georges Bank, Woods Hole to Galveston, TX, Continental Slope Gulf Stream (spatial) Georges Bank (spatial) Woods Hole to Galveston, TX (spatial) Continental Slope (spatial) other chief scientists: Seiwell, Riley, Ewing, Bumpus, Spilhaus, Clarke, G., Watson, Soule, Morrow, Johnson, Pollak, Worzel, Pyle, Decius, Churchill Seiwell (person) Riley (person) Ewing, William Maurice (person) Bumpus, Dean F. (person) Spilhaus (person) Clarke, George L. (person) Watson, Stanley W. (person) Soule (person) Morrow (person) Johnson, David A. (person) Pollak, M. J. (person) Worzel, J. (person) Pyle (person) Decius (person) Churchill (person)
subjects: reduced data
subjects: Gulf Stream.
subjects: Bathymetry
subjects: Bathythermograph.
related subjects: Atlantis (Ketch : 1931-1966)
geographic coverage: Continental slopes--Atlantic Ocean.
geographic coverage: woods hole to galveston, tx
geographic coverage: Georges Bank
geographic coverage: Gulf Stream.
geographic coverage: North Atlantic Ocean
reduced data
Gulf Stream.

Churchill, John D. W. [dla:4df3ad8a-061b-11e1-8e4e-0026b97a63fb]

Pollak, Martin J. [dla:4e01747e-061b-11e1-8e4e-0026b97a63fb]


Clarke, George Leonard [dla:4df3d3c8-061b-11e1-8e4e-0026b97a63fb]

Stetson, Henry Crosby [dla:4e04fb1c-061b-11e1-8e4e-0026b97a63fb]

Ewing, Maurice [dla:4df680d2-061b-11e1-8e4e-0026b97a63fb]

Riley, Gordon Arthur [dla:4e02510a-061b-11e1-8e4e-0026b97a63fb]

Johnson, David A. [dla:4dfadccc-061b-11e1-8e4e-0026b97a63fb]

Worzel, John Lamar [dla:4e08204e-061b-11e1-8e4e-0026b97a63fb]

Woodcock, Alfred H. [dla:4e07f20e-061b-11e1-8e4e-0026b97a63fb]

Seiwell, Harry Richard [dla:4e03ad84-061b-11e1-8e4e-0026b97a63fb]

Spilhaus, Athelstan Frederick [dla:4e04b1ca-061b-11e1-8e4e-0026b97a63fb]

Decius, John Courtney [dla:4df513dc-061b-11e1-8e4e-0026b97a63fb]

Soule, Floyd Melville [dla:4e047e62-061b-11e1-8e4e-0026b97a63fb]

Bumpus, Dean Franklin [dla:4df2a296-061b-11e1-8e4e-0026b97a63fb]

Watson, Stanley W. [dla:4e0707a4-061b-11e1-8e4e-0026b97a63fb]

COS/MOS 850 Current Meter Data

box: 2
partial content list: 2
partial content list: 123- EG&G magnetic tape data cartridges (10.5 minutes at 7.5 inches per second. 394 feet)
notes: See Accession #2003-46 for detailed information 123- EG&G magnetic tape data cartridges (10.5 minutes at 7.5 inches per second. 394 feet) Edgerton, Germeshausen, and Grier (EG&G) (organization) The data is from multiple scientists. Most of the tapes are numbered. The largest series runs from 6784-8414 (not complete), dated 1979-1985. There are also tapes numbered M179-M266 from 1981; MODE 218, 221, 280, and 284 from 1981; CG252-254 from 1981, 2
subjects: Ocean currents.
subjects: Current Meter.
subjects: data
subjects: Sea temperature
related subjects: whoi-77-30 - cos/mos 850 current meter report by jim valdes
Ocean currents.
Current Meter.
Sea temperature

Sonobuoy seismic profile data

box: 1
partial content list: 3 shelves
notes: Continuous seismic profiles,satellite data,Datal runs,XYZ records,acoustic homing system records,single channel profiles,deep towed hydrophone reflection profiles,transponder deployments,OBH records,deep vertical arrays hydrophone (instrument) ocean bottom hydrophone (obh) (instrument) Azores,Brazil,Kane Fracture Zone. R/V Prof.Besnard Collection of binders is housed flat on three shelves rather than in boxes. R/V Prof.Besnard (platform) Azores (spatial) Brazil (spatial) Kane Fracture Zone (spatial) AII 67-1 through 7,75-1 through 7,91-1 through 2,92-1 through 2,93-5 through 7,94-1 through 2,96-3,97-1 through 2,107-6,9 Knorr 96-4,115-3 through 7,115-8,119-1 Chain 96-4,115-3 through 8,119-1 Oceanus 99 Knorr (platform) Chain (platform) Oceanus (platform)
provenance: Marge Pacheco/Accession # 2003-46
subjects: Hydrophone
subjects: datal runs
subjects: xyz records
subjects: Acoustics
subjects: OBH - Ocean Bottom Hydrophone
subjects: Satellites
subjects: Seismology.
subjects: Seismic reflection method
subjects: Sonobuoys
subjects: Transponders
subjects: Records
subjects: single channel profiles
related subjects: eacm
related subjects: R/V Oceanus
related subjects: IDOE -- International Decade of Ocean Exploration
related subjects: Professor W. Besnard (Ship)
related subjects: Brasil/WHOI-72
related subjects: Integrated Ocean Drilling Program
related subjects: International Phase of Ocean Drilling (IPOD)
related subjects: R/V Atlantis II
related subjects: R/V Knorr
related subjects: EACM - East Atlantic Continental Margin Program
related subjects: USS Chain
geographic coverage: Azores
geographic coverage: Brazil
geographic coverage: Indian Ocean Triple Junction
geographic coverage: Mediterranean Sea
geographic coverage: Capetown, Africa
geographic coverage: Kane Fracture Zone
datal runs
xyz records
OBH - Ocean Bottom Hydrophone
Seismic reflection method
single channel profiles