Date Created:
1957-01-01 to 1958-01-01
1963-01-01 to 1967-01-01
1949-01-01 to 1951-01-01
box: 14
notes: Gulf of Maine, New York Harbor, Gulf Stream, Caribbean Sill, Brazil, Continental Slope
Alvin Salvops
Gulf of Maine (spatial) New York Harbor (spatial) Gulf Stream (spatial) Caribbean Sill (spatial) Brazil (spatial) Continental Slope (spatial)
Other chief scientists: Worthington, L.V., Metcalf, W.G., Parker, C.E., Barrett, J., Warren, B., Volkmann, G., Stalcup, M.C., Winget, C.L., Woodcock, A.H.
Worthington, L. Valentine (person) Metcalf, William G. (person) Parker, C. E. (person) Barrett, J. (person) Warren, B. (person) Volkmann, G.H. (person) Stalcup, M. C. (person) Winget, C.L. (person) Woodcock, Alfred H. (person)
other ships: USS Edisto, Erika Dan, Eugenie VIII, Evergreen-Post, Explorer, General Greene, T.N. Gill (cruise 1, 2)
sailing orders
Edisto (platform) Erika Dan (platform) Eugenie VIII (platform) Evergreen-Post (platform) Explorer (platform) General Greene (platform) T.N. Gill (platform)
subjects: Sailing Orders
subjects: Gulf Stream.
subjects: reduced data
subjects: Bathymetry
subjects: Bathythermograph.
related subjects: USCGC Edisto
related subjects: R/V Crawford
related subjects: Evergreen (Cutter)
related subjects: M/V T. N. Gill
related subjects: USCGC General Greene
related subjects: Explorer (Ship)
related subjects: M/V Erika Dan
related subjects: Eugenie VIII (Ship)
geographic coverage: Continental slopes--Atlantic Ocean.
geographic coverage: Caribbean Sill
geographic coverage: Brazil
geographic coverage: Gulf Stream.
geographic coverage: New York Harbor
geographic coverage: Gulf of Maine