Date Created:
box: 2
partial content list: 4
partial content list: 17 lab notebooks
notes: 17 lab notebooks containing data on nitrogen,amino acids,LPS,bacteria,chlorphyll,ATP,biomass,nutrients,microbiology,synechococcus,C14
Other researchers: TJ Novitsky,WG Deuser,JW Farrington,HL Quinby
6 hydrographic sheets for Oceanus cruise 6 were removed and added to DC-9
Novitsky, T. J. (person) Deuser, Werner G. (person) Farrington, John W. (person) Quinby, H. L. (person) Oceanus (platform)
11 folders containing Sargasso Sea LPS ATP biomass bacteria counts; paper strips; Peru nutrient nitrogen hydrographic data; assay directions; isotope tapes
provenance: John Waterbury - 2001
subjects: lab notebooks
subjects: Amino Acids
subjects: Biomass
subjects: Bacteria
subjects: Nutrients.
subjects: Isotopes
subjects: Synechococcus
subjects: Hydrography.
subjects: Sediments (Geology)
subjects: Microbiology
subjects: Carbon--Isotopes.
subjects: Sand
subjects: Nitrogen
subjects: watson/waterbury/valois lab notebooks & folders
subjects: data
subjects: Seawater--Sampling.
subjects: ATP (Biochemistry)
subjects: Assaying
subjects: Chlorophyll
subjects: lps
related subjects: R/V Oceanus
related subjects: R/V Atlantis II
geographic coverage: Sargasso Sea
geographic coverage: Peru
geographic coverage: Africa